Clinton Rural Fire District
Clinton Rural Fire District
Clinton Fire was established in 1956
About Clinton Rural Fire District
Our District is approximately 45 square miles and has approximately 3000 residents. It starts on the west end at approximately MM 116 I-90 and goes to approximately MM 136 I-90 on the east end. That is approximately 20 miles of I-90 and 12 miles of Rock Creek from the interchange of I-90. We also respond to Schwartz Creek, Wallace Creek, Donovan Creek, Kendal Creek, Cramer Creek, and Gillespie Creek. We have Mullan Road on the south side of I-90 and Highway 10 on the north side of I-90.
In addition we have automatic and mutual aid coverage with all departments in Missoula county.
Other high risk factors include:
2 High voltage power lines, 1 high pressure natural gas line, 1 petroleum pipe line, 1 power sub station, 1 railroad, 2 rivers (Clark Fork and Rock Creek), and 1 air field.
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Services Provided
Frequently Asked Questions
Burn permits are not sold through Clinton Rural Fire Department but can be purchased at the following link: https://app.egovmt.com/burnpermit/
Current fire restrictions and active wildfires can be found here: https://www.mtfireinfo.org/
The information listed below is designed to provide you with general restrictions information and is not intended to be reflective of every agency at any time. For specific fire restrictions information in a particular area of interest, please click on that area in the map and follow the link to the current fire restrictions order or proclamation.
The following acts are prohibited until further notice in Stage 1:
- Building, maintaining, attending, or using a fire or campfire unless noted in the exemptions below.
- Smoking, except within an enclosed vehicle or building, a developed recreation site or while stopped in an area at least three feet in diameter that is barren or cleared of all flammable materials.
The following acts are prohibited until further notice in Stage 2:
- Building maintaining, attending, or using a fire or campfire.
- Smoking, except within an enclosed vehicle or building, a developed recreation site, or while stopped in an area at least three feet in diameter that is barren or cleared of all flammable materials.
- The following acts are prohibited from 1:00 pm to 1:00 am:Operating any internal combustion engine.
- Welding, or operating acetylene or other torch with an open flame.
- Using an explosive.
- Operating motorized vehicles off designated roads and trails.
For more information about restrictions, exemptions, and the current stage please visit https://www.mtfireinfo.org/.
More information about current wildfires and annual totals can be found by visiting: https://www.mtfireinfo.org/
The current fire danger for Missoula County can be found at https://mcfpa.org/.